“True Story of HWPL: Peace and Cessation of War”
As of August 2019, a book named “True Story of HWPL: Peace and Cessation of War” with the record of peacebuilding efforts by millions of global citizens and social leaders has been displayed in public institutions including libraries, schools, museums in 195 countries.
According to HWPL the publisher, the purpose of this book is to implant the values and spirit of peace that lead “every individual to become a messenger of peace.”
Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL who experienced the war as a war veteran prefaced the book by saying “We have worked together with all our hearts and strengths to achieve world peace and cessation of war transcending all borders of nation, ethnicity, and religion. Let us all become messengers of peace and leave peace as an everlasting legacy for future generations. Our work of peace will shine as an eternal light in history.”
Regarding the value of this book, Vice mayor of Târgu Mureş in Romania, Dr. Makkai Grigore, told “This book is a model and a call to peace. Readers can find models that are worthwhile to follow and can be stimulated to maintain peace. Through this book, I can come into contact with a lesser-known reality and meet world leaders who have a say about peace. I think this book can be considered a symbol of peace education, a history fragment for the 21st century.”
I want to work together with all my hearts and strengths to achieve world peace and cessation of war .
Let’s all be the lions of peace and join the peace work together!!
Let’s all join in the work of peace!!